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River City Sitters takes on the BBS Conference!

On June 24 & 25 of this year, the Bardet Biedl Syndrome Family Association held an informational conference at the Carmichael Center at Duke University. For this special event, River City Sitters donated their services to allow the parents of children with BBS to get medical advice from doctors and specialists in the area and become more informed about this syndrome. 

Bardet Biedl Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder with variable symptoms including retinal degeneration, obesity, reduced kidney function, polydactyly, as well as many others. There are only 250 cases in the US and 3,000 in the world. By offering to give these parents a much needed break due to the intense amount of attention these children need, River City Sitters was able to give these parents the opportunity to focus on learning new information and ways to help their children who suffer from this syndrome. 

For the two-day conference, four sitters entertained the children while their parents participated. The families, doctors, researchers, and kids were amazing! The babysitters felt that they learned so much about BBS and did a phenomenal job bonding with all of the children. By lending a hand in the community like this, River City Sitters was able to aid in providing parents with children who suffer from BBS an opportunity to inform themselves without the added stress of watching their children simultaneously. 

For more information about BBS:

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